
Posts Tagged ‘American’

TSA Class Action Lawsuit?

November 26, 2010 Leave a comment

Since there have been numerous complaints from passengers about new TSA security measures at the airports, a class action lawsuit may be a viable option in addressing the invasive procedures imposed upon the unsuspecting victims of the flying public.

It is not unusual to bring a class action lawsuit on behalf of a particular class of victims, and not only for the monetary damages, but also to change a bad policy, by bringing attention to a particular wrongful action or inaction, which affects a large number of people similarly situated.

Recent TSA’s controversy, steaming up body images, while spewing low radiation upon traveling public at our Nation’s airports, or in the alternative, rubber gloved officials humiliating passengers with their invasive pat-downs, the key issues in potential class action lawsuits will turn on the protections of the Fourth Amendment, to wit, whether the Government’s security measures amount to unreasonable searches and seizures. The courts will have to decide whether the Government’s security measures are reasonable when balanced with the risks to public safety.

It appears that the Government officials, in their attempts to prevent potential terrorists from blowing up planes in midair, have gone wild by getting into the underwear of every man, woman and child in the security lines. I cannot help but to think of New York’s Naked Cowboy as the prophet, perhaps we all should follow in his footsteps when planning our next trip to the airport.

Obviously, most freedom loving Americans, raised with old-fashioned family values, cannot agree with such draconian measures as imposed upon their privacy rights, and unless the political powers take the necessary steps quickly, it is most likely that legal eagles are already preparing their briefs and will be descending upon the courts shortly.